Here I will describe a strategy or technique to solve some finite state automata problems. This strategy was first taught to us by my Theory of Computation Professor. The term 'Function Automata' is given to me since we use function-like structures in this. Suppose you are given a language that is a regular set \(L\). So there exists a \(DFA\) for \(L\), \(L_D=(Q,\Sigma,\delta, q_1, F)\) where \(Q\) is the set of states, \(\Sigma\) is the set of alphabets, \(\delta\) is the transition function, \(S\) is the starting state and \(f\) is the set of final states. Now let \(Q=\{q_1,q_2,\dots,q_n\) where \(n\in\mathbb{N}\). Now we will do a kind of subset construction but every new state will have \(n\) states of \(Q\) but they can repeat. So $$(\underbrace{q_1,q_1,\dots,q_1}_{n\text{ times}})$$ is a state of the new automata. Now, what is the meaning of these new states? Let \(f=(q_{k_1},q_{k_2},\dots,q_{k_n})\) be a new state where \(q_{k_i}\)'s are not necessary to be diff...