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About Me

So You want to know about me. I am Soham Chatterjee. A 20-year-old Math and Theoretical Computer Science enthusiast Bengali guy. Doing my Bachelor's Degree in Math and Computer Science at Chennai Mathematical Institute. I am not a very interesting guy. I love Anime and songs from retro Bengali, Hindi, western, and J-pop songs. Also, I am a devoted Linux user. This is my blog where I post on math, theoretical computer science, LaTeX, and some Linux stuff.

My favorite Animes are Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Steins Gate, Naruto, Eighty-Six, and Bakuman. Apart from this, I like many animes. They are all special to me in different ways. You check my Anilist account to see which animes I watched till now. You can also follow me there.

My favorite musics are Shiritakunakatta by  Sawai Miku and Avid by Sawano Hiroyuki. But apart from this, I like Yoasobi, Kobukuro Backstreet Boys, and Charlie Puth a lot. For music, you may think I am old-fashioned but I like to keep an offline collection of all the songs I like to listen to. 

Among Movies my favorites are Kimi no Suizou Wo Tabetai and Koe No Katachi. Then also comes Wolf Children, Your Name.

Apart from this, I like to write beautiful documents in LaTeX and theme my desktop in Linux. I have talked about my setup in detail in the respective LaTeX and Linux section. You may go there or take the .tex file and the dotfiles from my GitHub. 

I also had an Instagram Handle named Creative Math Solving where I used to post Math Problems based on Olympiads and a little on Real Analysis. You can follow that page. 

Since you have wanted to know about me this much then you can also follow me.


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