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My Linux Rice

My Linux distribution is EndeavourOS. I use the I3WM window manager. For the bar at the top, I use Polybar. In the bar in the leftmost place workplace number then (from left) there is a music visualizer using cava, volume, network, brightness, CPU, ram, battery, date, and systray icons. Also, there is a script going on in the bar which indicates an icon whenever the capslock is on or earphone or headphone is plugged in.

Along with this, I use Rofi as my launcher. It took a very long t theme my desktop but right now I am proud of this. As you can see I use Rofi (mainly) and also Dmenu for many menus - Clipboard, List of currently open applications, Opening a book, Editing config files, and for powermenu.

I also love using scratchpads. If you don't know what scratchpads are then it is a hidden window that you can easily call in front of you do some work on it and then you can make it hidden in the background. I have 4 scratchpads. One for cmus (command line music player), Bluetooth (basically for bluetoothctl), a normal terminal, and for my email client Thunderbird.

Finally comes the lock screen. I use Betterlockscreen for my lock screen. It is very cool and also you can dim or blur your picture on the lock screen. Also, you can customize this a little to make it look better. But otherwise, it is a very good minimal lock.

I can not show you the login screen. But I can tell you about it. I use sddm login manager with arcolinux-sddm-sugar-candy theme with my preferred wallpaper with it. You can access it from the GitHub link for all the dotfiles.

Now finally come one supreme thing. VIM !!! Many of you don't like it I know. Still, VIM is very good once you become better at it.

This is my VIM setup. It is actually NeoVim to be precise. I am using Tokyo Night theme. And my config is mostly written in Lua. I have added some plugins like one that shows git diff in the file while editing, one for autocompletion (coc.nvim), one to comment codes (nvim-commentary), etc. 

So that's it. This is all I have done to theme my desktop. It's not that good I know but still, it is special to me since I have built it from zero without copying. Here I have given the dotfile GitHub repo link and the wallpaper link.


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